Microsoft Chicago ran a great post encouraging Chicagoland tech professionals to get involved with Voices for Innovation. Here’s the post in its entirety…
Tools for Engagement: Voices for Innovation
Feeling frustrated about getting your voice across to a broader constituency? Need to hang out a bit more with people who have ideas on how to positively impact the tech sector and Chicago’s economic development? We might just have an answer for you.
Voices for Innovation (VFI) is a national education and advocacy organization whose members engage directly with policymakers to support pro-innovation public policies. Member-advocates include everyday Americans and technology professionals representing businesses of all sizes. While casting a wide net, VFI also focuses on helping Microsoft Partners share their stories, their ideas, and their perspectives with elected officials who are ultimately responsible for setting 21st-century digital public policies.
VFI is important to Chicago because it helps raise visibility to all concerned citizens and business people about the importance of being involved and having your voice heard. It’s a great resource to help you learn about “hot” issues locally, quickly communicate your perspective to your elected officials, and build a local network of other informed, participative colleagues.
VFI builds on the idea that technology leaders in Chicago need an avenue to tell their story. This is important because technology is not always used to its full potential to help support all our communities. The “democratization” of technology helps all our neighborhoods—and our neighbors—equally participate in our great city. Through VFI, Microsoft has created a no-cost platform to help communities stay informed on public policy issues and engage with those that impact tech policy.
Over the coming year, we will be bringing to your attention key issues that impact the tech community and Chicago’s business community and citizens. We look forward to your perspective and a healthy debate.
We encourage you to join this dialogue by getting involved with VFI. The platform will connect you with other partners and like-minded colleagues, and help you share different perspectives with policymakers in city halls, state capitals, and even at the White House. VFI community members are engaged technology business leaders who are interested in making a making a difference in Chicago and across the United States. They share a common desire to use technology to shape the civic landscape, improve civic health and create a better community. We look forward to having you join our community!