Reuters Super Tuesday voting so far free of cyber meddling, U.S. officials say
The Super Tuesday primary elections were so far free of any signs of interference, said national security professionals who gathered in Northern Virginia in an unprecedented monitoring effort to counter cyberattacks and foreign disinformation.
The Washington Post Los Angeles County’s new voting machines hailed for accessibility, dogged by security concerns
For the past decade, Los Angeles County has been promising to develop a new voting system that was to be a model for the nation, accessible to voters with disabilities and to a population that speaks more than a dozen languages.
NextGov House Bill Wants to Curb Foreign Robocallers Targeting Americans
There could soon be a new, separate interagency task force to explore how to quash robocalls—on top of the Attorney General-led task force recently mandated by the passage of the TRACED Act to assess the prosecution of robocall offenders.
The Verge Everything you need to know about Section 230
In February 2020, the US Department of Justice held a day-long workshop to discuss ways in which Section 230 could be further amended. They’re examining cases in which platforms have enabled the distribution of nonconsensual pornography, harassment, and child sexual abuse imagery.
NPR Despite Cybersecurity Risks And Last-Minute Changes, The 2020 Census Goes Online
Starting March 12, households across the country are expected to be able to participate in the once-a-decade national head count by going to my2020census.gov to complete the online census questionnaire, which is set to be open to the public through July 31.
The New York Times Lawmakers Propose Making E-Commerce Companies Liable for Counterfeits
A group of bipartisan House lawmakers on Monday outlined a plan to stem the flow of counterfeit products from China and other countries into the United States by making e-commerce companies such as Amazon legally liable for fake goods sold on their websites.
Law360 Lawmakers Ask USDA To Free Up Rural Broadband Money [Paywall]
A bipartisan group of nine senators has called on the Trump administration to make more than $500 million available under a recently created rural broadband program to communities that already have received the Federal Communications Commission’s financial help for satellite services.
Bloomberg Microsoft Plan for Internet Between TV Channels Open for Input
The Federal Communications Commission wants public input on a proposal by Microsoft Corp. aimed at expanding wireless internet use on “white space” frequencies located between broadcast TV channels.
Multichannel News Stakeholders React to FCC’s White Spaces Item
The FCC’s decision to expand the use of so-called “white spaces” TV spectrum for unlicensed wireless broadband drew quite a crowd Friday after a unanimous vote to allow for higher power and taller towers to extend the reach of unlicensed uses
RollCall How fake audio, like deepfakes, could plague business, politics
Fake voices generated by artificial intelligence tools may be the next frontier in scams that could trick companies into forking over cash or fool voters into believing a politician said something he or she didn’t.
The Verge The Catholic Church proposes AI regulations that ‘protect people
Vatican officials are calling for stricter ethical standards on the development of artificial intelligence, with tech giants IBM and Microsoft being the first companies to sign its new initiative.
The Seattle Times How a Portland nonprofit is using artificial intelligence to help save whales, giraffes, zebras
To the untrained eye, zebras in Kenya probably all look alike. But each animal’s black and white markings are like a fingerprint, distinct — and invaluable for scientists who need to track the animals and information about them, including their births, deaths, health and migration patterns.
ZDNet CIO Jury: Artificial intelligence and machine learning an essential part of cybersecurity
Security is always a concern for the enterprise, and learning new tactics to make it more effective is key. Machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) play a big role for some companies, and our CIO jury agrees.
The Hill Facebook says it removed five foreign influence campaigns in February
Facebook on Monday said it removed five online misinformation campaigns connected to foreign countries in February, the latest indication of governments seeking to sow discord using one of Silicon Valley’s most powerful social media networks.
FedScoop CBP successfully tested an ‘interoperable’ blockchain system for protecting intellectual property
Customs and Border Protection recently completed an interoperable blockchain proof of concept to prevent the theft of intellectual property rights, the agency announced Friday. Microsoft Microsoft Airband: An annual update on connecting rural America
Fast Company Why ‘rural broadband’ may no longer be an oxymoron
Traditionally, the story of rural broadband in America has ended with a two-letter word: no. No, the local cable or phone monopoly isn’t going to extend service to this county or that town. No, the satellite broadband that does reach there isn’t going to get rid of its data caps or sluggish latency. No, states won’t let anybody but incumbent telecom providers enter the market. A new report from the Pew Charitable Trusts, however, suggests the future might be less bleak.
The PEW Charitable Trusts
- Report on Broadband Access in Underserved Communities
Broadband is increasingly intertwined with the daily functions of modern life. It is transforming agriculture, supporting economic development initiatives, and is a critical piece of efforts to improve health care and modernize transportation. But the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) estimates that 21 million Americans still lack broadband access. Other sources place this number as high as 162 million. Communities without reliable high-speed internet service cite a growing gap between the resources and opportunities available to their residents and those in communities that have a robust network. Recognizing the importance of broadband and responding to such frustrations, states are seeking to close this gap. Most have established programs to expand broadband to communities that lack it or are underserved. (Report – How States Are Expanding Broadband Access, February 27, 2020)
Note: Voices for Innovation regularly shares a range of opinion articles and press releases from organizations in and publications covering tech policy. These pieces are meant to educate our audience, not to endorse specific platforms or bills.