Donate a Device! Help Microsoft Philanthropies Respond to COVID-19


For our most recent webinar, Voices for Innovation welcomed Andrea Russo and Aimee Rosato from the Microsoft Philanthropies team to highlight how Microsoft and the company’s Philanthropies arm are helping our nation respond to the COVID-19 crisis.

Devices Needed!

Andrea and Aimee discussed how the company is supporting healthcare organizations and non-profits with free software and support. The company is also assisting schools, teachers, and students as they transition to online learning. Microsoft is even helping schools hold virtual graduations using TEAMS Live Events.

We also heard about how schools still need to get laptops into the hands of students. To help in this effort, Voices for Innovation is supporting a device drive—and we need your donated devices. It is especially beneficial for larger companies to donate multiple devices at the same time.

We’re partnering with Seattle-based non-profit and certified Microsoft Refurbisher InterConnection, which will wipe hard drives, clean machines, and handle getting them out to schools.


Looking Ahead for Volunteers

We also learned about several ways that Microsoft is supporting education and skills development. LinkedIn Learning is offering free courses to help people develop new skills from home while sheltering in place.

Though high schools are closed, Microsoft Philanthropies’ TEALS (Technology Education and Literacy in Schools) program is still in session, with volunteers connecting remotely with students. Andrea and Aimee are also seeking computer scientists and developers to volunteer for TEALS for the 2020-21 school year. Voices for Innovation will be holding a webinar focused on the TEALS program in the near future. Stay tuned. (And if you’re not already on our email list, sign up now.)

Replay Our Philanthropies Webinar

In case you missed it, you can watch the recording of our “Microsoft Philanthropies Responds to COVID-19” webinar below:

Download the Deck

To access the resources and information shared during the webinar, download the deck.