On the podcast The Ultimate Guide to Partnering, host Vince Menzione dedicates a complete episode to public policy engagement and Voices for Innovation.
You can listen to the complete episode, “One Technology Organization’s Focus on the Greater Good,” below.
The Value of Policy Engagement
In the episode, Vince talks with VFI director Jonathan Friebert about how the organization connects with Microsoft partners and a broader membership base to provide issue education and advocacy training.
Vince also discusses Microsoft’s key public policy initiative, “A Cloud for Global Good,” with Owen Larter, Senior Manager of Global Government Affairs for Microsoft. This initiative offers a policy roadmap for fostering a trusted, responsible, and inclusive cloud.
Finally, the star of the episode is VFI partner leader Carol Lynn Grow who talks about her journey with VFI. Over the last year, Carol Lynn has met with her members of Congress in Denver and Washington to advocate for digital privacy, STEM education, and women in technology.
Carol Lynn provides a great description of how policy engagement has value both professionally and personally. She is advancing positive policies that help her customers and the broader tech sector. At the same time, she notes that these issues are meaningful to her as a citizen and mother of three.
Thanks to Vince, Carol Lynn, Jonathan, and Owen for highlighting VFI and the importance of getting involved with fostering positive public policies that drive innovation, business growth, and social progress.